All woods as well as hardware and other material used for construction including finishes like lacquer, patinas, or waxes are of the upmost quality. Temperatures and humidity should remain on reasonable levels as wood is a product of nature and will keep breathing, moving, and aging. This is part of the process, and will enhance, give character, and add uniqueness to each piece. Yet, under extreme temperatures, humidity, or dryness, these natural responses may compromise the integrity of the woodwork, resulting in warping, shrinkage, and cracking. Any liquid which makes contact with the wood should be promptly wiped off the surface with a clean and dry cloth following the grain of the wood, similar instructions should be following for dusting and cleaning. It is best to refrain from the use of any polishing sprays or compounds. Some compounds contain a grit substance which may lightly scratch the wood surface, and polishing spray may contain a tint that can change the color of the wood over time. No chemicals or cleaning products should be used for regular maintenance, if necessary. a high quality furniture polish can be used. Furniture should not be exposed to direct sunlight, as this may fade or darken the wood and its finish. Wood is a solid but soft material, you can avoid marks and scratches by using protective strips, felt, or leather when placing heavy objects, drinks, lamps, or any others which may compromise the surface.